Home Minister Hamzah Zainudin said that starting 1 June, there will be 800 roadblocks mounted throughout the country. This is compared to the current number of 600. Manning these roadblocks will be 70000 members of the police force, and agencies under the Home Ministry. These include the Immigration Department, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, and People’s Volunteer Corps (RELA).

Bernama reports that of the 70000, 55000 will be policemen, compared to the current 37000. The remaining 15000 will be the agencies mentioned above. The home minister also said that more personnel will be added if the number is “found to be not sufficient”. Tomorrow, 1 June, marks the first day of the two-week lockdown. Though this is subject to change depending on the health ministry’s assessment of the situation. Naturally, what you can do during this time will be very limited, and the same goes to the retail industry. Here’s an article on what you need to know during this time. (Source: Bernama)

Home Ministry  800 Roadblocks Across Malaysia To Enforce Lockdown - 42