According to the report, Chandran has stated that Malindo Air has already started investigating the massive data breach and has also informed the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) about the incident. The company first learned about the data breach last week although the leak is believed to have taken place last month.

The leak was apparently done by a darknet operator named Spectre and is said to involve millions of passengers details. Malindo Air has yet to provide any official numbers. Among personal details involved in the leak include passport details, home addresses, date of birth, email addresses, and phone numbers. Chandran also stated that Malindo Air will be coming out with a statement on the incident soon. The company will also advise customers regarding the data breach based on the outcome of its investigation. (Source: South China Morning Post. // Photos: Malindo Air – 1, 2)

Malindo Air Suffers Massive Data Breach  Millions of Passengers  Personal Data Now Out In The Open - 94