The first game that will be up for grabs is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. The Modern Warfare subseries has always been very strong entries in the annual Call of Duty titles, especially on a narrative front. Now, the first game in the subseries will be available on current-generation consoles.

Following that is Action Henk. This is an indie side-scrolling platformer, in case you need a break from the complexities of modern video game genres like first person shooters and 3D action titles. These games will be available for download starting 7 March 2019. If you haven’t downloaded last month’s games, now’s as good a time as any. This is especially since February is also the last month that PS3 and PS Vita titles will be given out for free, and you don’t want to miss getting Metal Gear Solid 4. (Source: PlayStation Asia. Image: PlayStation Store)

PlayStation Plus Subscribers To Get Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered For Free In March 2019 - 73