From what is shown, it’s difficult to not immediately draw comparisons to the Left 4 Dead series. This is especially when the teaser showcases four nondescript civilians surviving the zombie horde. And it’s quite the contrast to the key cast of the RE series. There are also some of the special zombies shown in the teaser. Pretty prominent among the run off the mill zombies are the Licker and the Tyrant T-00, or more commonly known as Mr X. It’s unsure if these special zombies will be playable in PvP modes like in L4D. Of course, with a comparison to L4D, there’s a chance that this game will be a lot more action-oriented than survival horror. Though, with RE5 and RE6, it wouldn’t be the first time the series went in that direction. Either way, Capcom is set to release more details on Project Resistance during the Tokyo Game Show later this week. (Source: Capcom / YouTube via PC Gamer)