As a quick recap, the devs for A Total War Saga: Troy struck a deal with Epic Games to have it exclusive on the EGS for a year. At the same time the company is making the game free to keep if you claim it on launch day. Part of this has to do with the Total War series’ 20th anniversary.

At the time, the devs explained that they took the deal for the money. Not only is Epic Games paying for every copy of the game claimed, the money up front for the exclusivity supposedly allowed them to diversify their business. The devs say that this allowed them to explore availability on other store fronts beyond Steam. It’s a weird train of thought back then, and it still doesn’t quite make sense today. But hey, it’s hard to say no to a free game. If you want it, then you should claim it from the Epic Games Store before 9PM today. (Source: Epic Games)

Reminder  Total War Saga  Troy Is Free Today On EGS  Claim It Before 9PM - 9