Also, while the game was available for PC, it was an Epic Games Store exclusive. That will end soon, as the game will also be making its way to Steam and at the same time the two-player update drops. The devs at House House is also working with iam8bit and Panic Inc to make physical copies of the game, and a vinyl soundtrack. These will come later, on 29 September. If you’re unfamiliar with the Untitled Goose Game, the premise behind it is simple. You’re a goose, and the objectives the game gives you is generally to make as much trouble for people as possible. There’s some puzzle elements there, and for the ones that rely on distractions, a second goose will definitely make things easier. Again, the Untitled Goose Game will be coming to Steam and, as well as get a two-player update, on 23 September. If you like the idea of the game, then think of all the non-violent havoc you can wreak once this update comes. (Source: House House / YouTube)