Local video games store Impulse Gaming shared on its Facebook page that the updated Switch will be available mid August of 2019. It will be priced at RM1299, and the store is also currently taking  pre-orders. The first generation Nintendo Switch, on the other hand, is priced at RM1199. Impulse Gaming also announced earlier that it is bringing in the Nintendo Switch Lite. The company is also taking it pre-orders for a RM50 deposit. While the official price for it has not been announced, Impulse gaming estimates it to be priced between RM849 and RM999. It’s also interesting to note that the Nintendo Switch Lite will reach our shores on 20 September 2019. This is the same date announced by Nintendo of America. This means that both Switches will reach our shores on pretty much the same day as the American and Japanese market. (Source: Impulse Gaming /  Facebook [1], [2] via Aksiz)